Franchise Business Academy: starting and developing a franchise
PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Szervező: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 20 lasts for 2 days (each about 6 hours) and covers following subjects:
- Creating of development strategy
- Defining the rules for cooperation with a franchisee
- Financial aspects of the cooperation
- How to present a franchise offer?
- Recruitment of the partners
- International development
Join and find out how to franchise successfully.
Japan Int'l Franchise Show
TOKYO BIG SIGHT (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) South Hall 1,3,4 Tokyo your spot at the 42nd Annual Japan International Franchise Show, one of the largest franchise exhibitions in the world!
Network with distributors, investors, and institutions from all over Japan who are interested in overseas brands like yours.
Franchise Fair 2025
PGE Narodowy Stadium Tudomány- és Kultúrpalota, Plac Defilad 1, Varsó Szervező: / PROFIT system kapcsolat: Tamás Milla +36 1 274 5186 franczyza.plA varsói Franchise Expo Közép & Kelet Európa legnagyobb franchise rendezvénye, amely az idei évben 18. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre. A Franchise Expo Varsóban a tökéletes hely kapcsolatépítéshez és a jövőbeli üzleti partnerek megtalálásához. Üzleti találkozók három napon át, 200 kiállító franchise márka, 7000 franchise ajánlatokban érdekelt látogató a régióból és a világ minden tájáról.
Franchise Expo Paris
hall 1 porte de versailles Paris Expo Paris, an event of the French franchise federation, organised by Infopro Digital, is the largest meeting of the Franchise market in the world
In 2024, Franchise Expo Paris attracted almost 32,000 participants with franchise projects (employees, storekeeper, investors, entrepreneurs…) who come to meet 510 French and international franchise brands and franchise partners (banks, lawyers, chartered accountants, consultants…) that support entrepreneurs and franchise brand networks
Franchise Expo Paris is the go-to platform for meetings, information and exchange on the Franchise market. Over the space of 3 days, the French and worldwide Franchise ecosystem congregates at Franchise Expo Paris
Franchise Expo Budapest 2025
Lurdy Ház 1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14., Budapesta Szervező: Asociația Maghiară de Franciză kapcsolat: Tamás Milla +36 20 802 7196 franchise.huAsociația Maghiară de Francize organizează o altă expoziție de franciză - singura din Ungaria. Evenimentul va avea loc în inima Budapestei pe o suprafață de 920 de metri pătrați, cu peste 40 de mărci.
Franchise Expo Budapest 2025
Lurdy Ház (event hall) 1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmány krt. 12-14., Budapest Szervező: Asociația Maghiară de Franciză kapcsolat: Tamás Milla +36 20 802 7196 franchise.hu2019 után ismét franchise kiállítást szervez a Magyar Franchise Szövetség. A rendezvény Budapest szívében, a Lurdy Ház 920 négyzetméteres területén 40 márkával kerül megrendezésre.
Franchise Business Academy: sale a franchise
PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Szervező: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 30 lasts for 3 days (each about 8 hours) and covers following subjects:
- Basics of Sandler's methodology in selling franchises;
- Effective management of information flow;
- Strategies for acquiring candidates for franchisees;
- Sales Process Control Tools;
- Innovative Approach to the Relationship with the Candidate;
- Diagnostics of the Candidate's Needs and Pains;
- Managing the Candidate's Budget and Decision-making Process;
- Effective Presentation of the Franchise Offer;
- Finalization of the Franchise Sales Process.